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At an unguarded and uncontrolled munitions dump in Iraq
Sites like this, scattered across the country, were ripe for being plundered by terrorists in the immediate aftermath of the Iraq War. for several weeks, they remained unguarded and uncontrolled, but full of random explosive munitions (often in very poor state). Many of these weapons will certainly have found their way into IEDs. Follow the link for more on Military Missions.

Iraq - Commander UK National Support Element

UN unit commander training
About to go on exercise, UN Unit Commanders' Course, Czech Republic

Steve with mine clearance team and vehicle - Western Sahara
In 2012, I joined Action on Armed Violence as CEO. AOAV cleared thousands of explosive remnants of war with its humanitarian landmine clearance programme in Western Sahara. to see more on this and other Explosive Missions, follow the link.

Speaking to the UN in New York via video-link from London
The subject of the talk was the growing IED threat internationally and the need to prevent precursor materials falling into the worng hands. For more on 'Mission Talks', follow the link.

Walking through fire to raise funds for International Refugee Trust
Not as painful as it looks!

Prothetics for the developing world - a visit by the BBC
International Refugee Trust is engaged in a project to produce high-activity/low-cost prosthetics for the developing world. They flex at the ankle, replicating the movement of a real leg; they are cheap to produce (under $100); and they can be made close to the point of need. To learnmore about this potentially transformational, life-changing project, click on the link.

Ploughing the fields (the StepUp Programme - Northern Uganda)
The StepUp programme, overseen by International Refugee Trust (IRT), where I'm CEO, takes impoverished,Ugandan rural families to a level of self-sufficiency over three years. It is 'the end of charity' - truly a 'step up' rather than a hand out.

Village training session (the StepUp Programme - Northern Uganda)
International Refugee Trust's StepUp programme is wholly participative. Programme members undertake to attend training sessions every week. The programme addresses every important aspect of their lives: agriculture, nutrition, clean water, sanitation and hygiene, education, family relationships and community development.

Annual Farmers' Day (StepUp programme - Northern Uganda)
Once a year, the participants in the stepUp programme get together to show off their wares and celebrate their progress.

Landmine victim - Democratic Republic of the Congo
To see IRT's amazing project to bring high-mobility/low-cost prosthetics to the developing world, follow the link.

Officers' Mess, AMF(L) CSS Battalion.jpg
Early morning at Stonehenge - we had to pay £1 each for the privilege.

Bomb disposal operator, Northern Ireland
Felix badge on Landrover door, and showing the impact of a milk bottle by the side window.

With the Polisario Brigade Staff, Western Sahara
At AOAV's landmine clearance camp, Sahara desert.

Principal Ammunition Technical Officer, HQ Land Command

Celebratory dance.
Celebrating after a new water borehole is opened at a village in northern Uganda.

StepUp programme - Uganda
With new agricultural techniqes, crops are flourishing.

Unexploded ordnance - Western Sahara
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